Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 12:39:56 -0800
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edupsychoanalytic beasts,
your handy dandy sexybeast webpage is available here:
freshly updated with your first reading assignment!!!!!yours in lit, ink, and film,
bill nericcio
ps: remember to drag your hip, intellectually unafraid,
hardworking, groovy friends to class to crash on thursday--i have
about 5 seats left to give away!
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:25:23 -0800
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: updates
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw3)
freud's niños!
your web page has been updated! hope the
psychological/science fiction of chris marker didn't scare you
off--it's an amazing project that has influenced many great film
directors including terry gilliam!!!go here for more
ps: this is a good review by a good writer from Austin
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 12:49:26 -0800
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: great class today!
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw3)
thanx for your hard work; that was one fine seminar we had
today. just a quick note to let you know I updated the website
with the assignment for next tuesday and some cool pictures: the
infamous couch; some zarate outtakes. see you tuesday!ps! if you want more info on our london program for THIS
summer; there is still plenty of time!here's the meeting schedule:
*Monday, February 7, 2005 11:00am-12:00pm
Adams Humanities 4157* Wednesday, March 9 1:00pm-2:30pm
Adams Humanities 4157 (F, S)
Final Informational London Semester Meeting* Monday, March 14 3:00pm
London Semester Application and Fee Deadline* Thursday, May 12 11:00am-2:00pm
International Student Center
Mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation Meeting for all 2005 London
Summer Semester Studentsgo here for official info: -->
go here to see how we ran the class in 2003; exactly how we will
do it in 2005... -->http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/english/summer2003/
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 20:10:25 -0800
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: finally, Nericcio gets his act together...
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw3)
i think i solved the bug and your website is now updated--FOR
give it a peek.
ps: i should not say this as it may jinx us for the whole semester,
but this one damn fine week of classes--all in all, your
preparation was superb (except for you and you--you know who
you are!) and class discussion engaging and, even, exciting.
there was no WANT of good ideas coming from the collective
student body!
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 20:48:13 -0800
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: good news || bad news || bad news
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
the good news! your girl scout cookies are IN and will be delivered IN CLASS this TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the bad news? you gotta cough up all the cool cash for your goodies. each box is four bucks--PLEASE bring enough cash for your order! if you MUST write a check, make it out to:
you MUST bring your money Tuesday! thanx!!!
the next bad news? get off email and back to your reading, you have a chunk of it for tuesday--did you notice that dorian gray's first female love is Sibyl Vane, an actress; Vane = Vain = Narcissus; sibyls? "In ancient times SIBYLS were prophetesses who, in a state of ecstasy and under influence of Apollo, prophesized without being consulted." http://www.pantheon.org/
do note that WILDE is telling a killer story, but, at another level, he is simultaneously issuing a meditation/allegory that theatricalizes MANY modes of aesthetic representation: painting, writing, acting, etc...
yours in Wilde,
ps: my daughter Sophia asked me to thank ALL of you who were so thoughtful in ordering--together your sweet tooth and open wallet pushed her to the top of her troop for total sales.