sinemaniacs! for the final all you need to bring is a good PEN or two,
your memory and your imagination; if you know the titles,
authors/directors/photographers, and main characters of
the major works, then the rest will be
easy. the final will have three parts: fill in
the blanks/IDs, short
paragraphs and a short essay.the way to study is to layout all the books
we have read and your notes on all the films
we screened and come into
the room able to say something UNIQUE
about each of the works.DO NOT MEMORIZE CLASS LECTURES--
remember, for this class at least, we are NOT
a VOMITORIUM! we really want to
see your SYNTHESIS of the course
materials. the exam is designed to take 40 minutes.
It will, and I am not
kidding, be different and, even!, fun.NEXT
All mimes! We will perform our public act
of crazy art DIRECTLY after
the final from 12:50 to 1; we will run out of
the classroom in
costume (mime paint is a must, black
robes, vests, ties, modified english
prep school look as well, so come to campus
dressed accordingly--you may
put on your makeup during the final!)
at 12:50 we will run to the quad
in front of the president's office
by Lipinsky tower and 'play' tennis;
then, if it is open, we will run to the
new amphitheatre by the new
trolley station and play a game of 'baseball'.
STUDENTS what we are up to!
more on the mimerun next week.--------------------------
-----------------------------Last three extra-credit chances; ALL extra-credit writing
assignments must be stapled to TWO “template” example
reviews that you have carefully read AND used as models
for your own efforts; the MORE your work resembles the
actually published models, the more likely your work will
achieve a higher grade. ALL extraCREDIT papers should
be 500 words (two-pages, double-spaced) due Thursday,
December 9, 2004 by 2pm under my door at AH 4117
except for extraCREDIT 3 that is due Monday December 13 at noon.extraCREDIT 1: You work for the NEW YORK TIMES,
the LA TIMES or THE GUARDIAN (UK). Review the in-class
performance of Marlene Forte based on the script by OLIVER MAYER.
In addition to the hard-copy review you will slide under my door
attached to your two model reviews by published professional
ARTS journalists, you will also EMAIL a copy of your review
to playwright OLIVER MAYER care of: omayer@usc.edu.Mayer, Oliver Assistant Professor School of Theatre | USC
(213) 821-1545 omayer@usc.eduextraCREDIT 2: SinemaniacEURO night; in lieu of a class party
we will have one last sinema/social opportunity with a
screening of Federico Fellini’s LA DOLCE VITA the night of
WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 8, 2004. The movie shows at
4:45 AND 8:30pm and is, I believe, $7.50 with a student ID.
Plan to dress like a cool EUROchic type and show up at the
CINEMA before the 8:30 show to hang out, knock back a
soda or a martini, schmooze and say your bon voyages!
Your extra-credit is to review the film as if you are J. HOBERMAN,
movie reviewer extraordinaire for the VILLAGEVOICE.COM.BEWARE... this cool flick is amazing, but will taste the endurance
for non-true sinemaniacs--the film is THREE hours long,
black and white, in Italian and with subtitles!!!!Ken Cinema 4061 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116
619) 819-0236 La Dolce Vita (4:45) 8:30
Stereo, ITALIAN Sub-Titled
extraCREDIT 3
Attend and review the reading outlined in the following description;
you should review the EVENT, DGWILLS BOOKSTORE,
December 10, 7pm, as if you worked for the
TELEGRAPH, or the VILLAGE VOICE; here’s the details:
From: estela eaton <estela_drkaplan@yahoo.com...>that’s it; we are almost done! thanx so much
Subject: Pacific Review ReadingEarly warning! I will remind y'all when the date gets
closer, but just in case you have tight holiday
schedules, this is a reading to commemorate the 2004
issue of pacificREVIEW. Several of your cohorts will
be there:Reading at D.G. Wills!
Collette LaBouf Atkinson, Brandi Bell, Estela Eaton,
Guillermo Nericcio Garcia, Cassandra Gonzalez, Sandra
Hunter, Ron Israel, Maggie Jaffe and Leon Lanzbom will
be performing at D.G. Wills Books on December 10th,
7pm, to commemorate the Decay and Decadence issue of
pacificREVIEW.pacificREVIEW has published high-quality fiction,
poetry, essays, and artwork since 1972. The journal
showcases the work of emergent literati, pairing their
efforts with the work of established artists. After
the nineteenth century Decay and Decadence movement,
this issue further explores the role of decadence in
art as a progressive reflection of decay in society.
Like funhouse mirrors inverting the relationship
between inflator and inflated, the works presented in
this issue foreground the cataclysmic and much
anticipated demise of the artist against the summits
of aestheticism, hence fashioning her after the
herculean strength and vulnerability of her subject.D.G. Wills Books, La Jolla's most decadent collection
of new and scholarly books and home of the La Jolla
Cultural Society, is located at 7461 Girard Avenue, La
Jolla Ca. 92037 (858) 456-1800. More information is
available on their website: www.dgwillsbooks.com and
the pacificREVIEW website: pacificreview.sdsu.edu.
This event is free and open to the public.
for all your cool work, your imagination,
enthusiasm and brilliance; if you feel this
class was not a total waste of life, don’t hesitate
to visit the following portals of anonymous rhetorical
love and abuse:GTA MIKE HIGH
http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=287283GTA/GENERALISIMO/DR LEON LANZBOM
http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=203139GTA LEAH SNEIDER
http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=520504GTA TAWNYA RICHARDS
http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=248929PROF BILL NERICCIO
http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=38039and try to be as honest as you can be;your
colleagues really use this site!
bill nericcio
NOTE: The NEWEST, MOST RECENT emails are at the BOTTOM of this page--scroll away! Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 16:30:24 -0700 To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: sinematic bodies...
e220 "intro to lit"http://eyegiene.sdsu.edu/2004/220/nericcio/
see you monday
dr. william a. nericcio
associatie professor | literature.sdsu.edu
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:46:48 -070
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: e220
oh my god, first class and you
ALREADY have homework...don't worry--it's painless.
go here: http://eyegiene.sdsu.edu/2004/220/nericcio/sinematic1.pdf
print out the pdf and fill it in and
bring it to class tomorrow.see you at noon in hardy tower.
dr. w. a. nericcio
memo@sdsu.edups: be sure you know YOUR SECTION number--though we meet as a monster introTOlit mob on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12 to 12:50, you ALSO meet with one of the TAs once a week as well. your TAs are the one and only MIKE HIGH, the ludicrously talented Dr. LEON LANZBOM, the inimitable LEAH SNEIDER, and Lit-Loving Tawnya Richards.
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 14:14:21 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edudear sinematic body inmate!
your website has been updated with cool info about that wacky mind-control film you watched yesterday; please check it out
or, for SOME pc-users
as announced in class, we will screen the beginning of SUNSET BOULEVARD tomorrow in class; please START READING Nathanael West's THE DAY OF THE LOCUST this week as we will be talking about it NEXT WEEK.
yours in ink, lit, and film,
and hoping you enjoyed
the first class,
Bill Nericcio
dear sinematic bodies!
hoped you grooved to the black and white luxurious rhythms of SUNSET BOULEVARD today...Billy Wilder is a genius! more on him and the movie here:
and here
on another note; you heard today in class about a book called HOLLYWOOD BABYLON by KENNETH ANGER; it is NOT YET available, but ON ORDER and should appear in the bookstore next week. Wait till next WEDNESDAY b4 harrassing the staff at the campus bookstore!
remember! walk into class next Wednesday having FINISHED DAY OF THE LOCUST by Nathanael WEST. DONT use the online study guides on this novel--read the book, and let it TOUCH you! at the very least, you will learn where the name HOMER SIMPSON came from and how Groening's version is nothing near the abyss that West's Simpson is!!!!!
last thing for those of you who plan to miss classes and blow quizzes; there will be a very curious extra-credit opportunity the night of SEPTEMBER 11, 2004 in La Jolla. Go to the event, have me sign a blank piece of paper, and THEN write a critique (and/or illustrate/photograph) the event on that paper and you will have a great extra-credit token for the class! Great backup if you fall ill or bomb a surprise quiz. Curious? go here for details and directions. i will warn you however; if your politics are right of hitler, that is fox news gives you shivers of joy, then you might not want to come to this event. curious? go here:or here http://mfa.sdsu.edu/whackjob/index.html
or here http://literature.sdsu.edu/1/sept11WHACKEROONI.pdfbig file!!!!!
have a great weekend!
HINT: as you read DAY OF THE LOCUST, keep your eyes on Homer's hands--think about the relationship of Homer with his hands and how that relates to his doings with the "fairer" sex. ALSO and AT ALL TIMES: keep the image of Tod Hackett's painting and the relationship between ART and CINEMA foregrounded as you read. If Shelley's OZYMANDIAS was the secret story of a "war" between a SCULPTOR and a POET, then LOCUST can be read as a "war" or a "romance" between a PAINTER and HOLLYWOOD.
Dr. William A. Nericcio
TO Dr. William NericcioAs open minded as i like to remain politically, this
Whackjob performance isn't going to be a big poetic
Bush Bashing congregation is it?Also, what exactly do we do for extra credit? Write a
summary/write-up or give opinions on our feelings?thanks,
student #146,569 of 763,103,062 in your MWF 12:00pm Eng 220 class
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 20:23:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "W. Nericcio, SDSU" <memo@sdsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Whackjob performance question
To: Kyleto be honest, i have NOT a clue; but it's in La Jolla; all
ages can attend; all overagers can drink; it has good
food and a cool vibe. HOWEVER, it may be a Bush-bash
fest anyway. 15 performers--most i don't even know--so
who knows!?me? i will be reading poetry to the backing of
acoustic guitar and bongos or something--tres 60s.not totally foul and not totally a waste of time.
but like i sez, you don't HAVE to come!
but are very welcome to endure some fine and bad
ps: can i share your question and my answer with the
class?The writing assignment for this outing would
be a 2 to 3 page response to the following prompt: what
was the most curious part or parts of this lit/politic
event? also, How does live performance change
the category called "literature."
Date:Sat, 4 Sep 2004 09:28:19 -0700
To: e220 class
Subject: e220 web page updategood morning--hope you have a great labor day weekend free of labor and
full of crazy Nathanael West's outing of nefarious Hollywood doings;
that's a none too subtle hint to begin reading that outrageous DAY OF THE
LOCUST. things to watch for? How about Faye Greener's loser dad? or
that odd film everyone's watching at that crazy hollywood party (anytime
a film or book appears WITHIN the pages of a novel, you can be that is
key to the story)? or how about the most stereotyped Mexican in the
history of American lit, Miguel the Mexican--when it comes to 'types, this
guys more over the top than speedy gonzales.but stereotypes are NOT unimportant to an exploration of Hollywood, the
factory as it were for most American stereotypes.and ethnicity is not unimportant either: Nathanael West was born Nathan
Weinstein and had his own name changed to elude the sometimes nuisance
(at least for West/Weinstein) of a Jewish patronym...enough.
enjoy the book....
the web page update is IMPORTANT--many additions and some deletions,
please read this html-mess carefull; clues and treats abound, as do
assignments...LAST THING--your class webpage is NOT on blackboard.
it is here:
or, for short
over and out!
Dr. William A. Nericcio
ps: try to drop in for office hours next week and let me know how you
think the class is going.
cool email from a student in the class reacting to WEST:
From: "Jeremy Glick" <jeremy_glick@hotmail.com>
To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: Mid-book reflection
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 16:49:43 -0700Professor Nericcio,
I just finished chapter 15 in Day of Locust and I'm taking a few moments to pause and reflect. I don't think Faye's father is a loser... but I'm not sure how to defend him either. As far as Faye herself, while it seems there is still much about her character to be revealed in the final chapters of the book (or so I hope), I've come to the conclusion that she is living in a fantasy world... It seems her fantasy goes far beyond the deck of cards she keeps in her brain, however. Faye is able to access those cards and "dream a little dream", but I believe she has taken it to another level in her dealings with the other characters in the book. The men she surrounds herself with each have characteristics one would find in any Hollywood movie - or in any woman's fantasy. Earle is the rugged, good looking cowboy who can start a fire and hunt for a meal. Miguel is the tequilla drinking party man who is there to dance with Faye! when she feels like shaking loose. Homer, who clearly has his own issues, is at least in the money and can afford to feed Faye and take her to the movies. Tod is her devoted source of emotional support and intellectual stimulation. She uses all of these men to further her fantasy - she seems to have so much POWER over them that she is able to take what she wants from each whenever she needs to, and knows how to duck out before getting sticky with any of them. Her behavior has allowed her to experience what might be described as the perfect man... but that is where it becomes fantasy, because she has had to drag four men in her tracks to find it/him. This is a long email and an incomplete thought, but it occurred to me as I was reading, so I thought I'd share.
Thanks for your time, Jeremy Glick
end of the second week catchup memo...
your webpage has been updated
a reminder that the extra-credit project, whackjob sept 11 memorial reading, will be held at the GALOKA.com restaurant this SATURDAY from 6 to 9ish--this EXTRA-CREDIT is TOTALLY voluntary NOT Mandatory.
How extra-credit works in this class--IF YOU TOTALLY bomb a quiz or have ONE more absence than the THREE allowed, an EXTRA-CREDIT outing with its attached writing assignment is a good way to show you are not a sorry slacker. While NOT mandatory, it does show me and your GTAs, that you are a prime-time, would-be literary star!
1. I-5 NORTH
2. Take the GARNET AVE / GRAND AVE exit
3. Bear Right on MISSION BAY DR
4. Turn Left on GARNET AVE
5. Continue on BALBOA AVE
6. Continue on GRAND AVE
7. Turn Right on INGRAHAM ST
8. Continue on FOOTHILL BLVD
9. Continue on TURQUOISE ST
10. Continue on LA JOLLA BLVD
Galoka is #5662, Between Forward St & Bird Rock Ave. It is next to a restaurant called Cuvee.more info? http://www.galoka.com/events.html
click on the 11 of September link there....the performance will be in two parts with an intermission; dr. lanzbom and guillermo nericcio garcia (my stagename, NOT my illigitimate brother), aka, yours truly, will be performing just before the first break. the event is FREE, but the artists are asking for a 5buck donation--try to be generous as artists are poor and talented, and, POOR. so be sweet, even if you think some of the a>
Transfer interrupted!
t literature, for every bill shakespeare, there are a thousand myron shakespeares; you gotta take the mud with the gold. another thing about literature: it's social; the literary scene (talking, schmoozing, drinking, gossiping, etc. are all very much part of the action) is a an outdoor sport and much of what we call the literary arts takes place over cigarettes, coffee, and wine. the extra-credit assignment is simple--go to the event and keep a diary or journal of the evening's happenings, taking notes about the works, performers and crowd you encounter at GALOKA. then write an "alien from another planet invades a literary scene" exposé essay noting details from your experience there. you can be as witty, cruel, generous, critical, catty, as you wish, but do submit your piece to me a TYPED (no more than two pages, unless you also want to submit photos/illustrations in which case go for it page-wise), double spaced, piece of writing that will knock your reader's socks off--DUE next FRIDAY, September 17, under the door of my office, AH 4117. You might want to read the Spiegelman book before you go to GALOKA, just to remind yourself of the whole Sept 11 event and its aftermath. while the readings there Saturday night may be critical of the present presidential administration, and while you no doubt will encounter statements and readings that annoy or offend your sensibilities, do try to be adult and intellectual (!), and keep your mind open to any and all things.
updated bigroom class calendar
sept 13 monday
continue discussion of LOCUST (you MUST have the book finished b4 entering our room!). Also, we will continue our screening of BOULEVARD. ALSO! the KENNETH ANGER book, HOLLYWOOD BABYLON is IN at the bookstore. Please begin perusing this decadent volume.sept 15 wednesday
read the first 81 pages of John Berger's WAYS of SEEING and continue your reading in ANGER's HOLLYWOOD BABYLON--all the time you are reading identify connections between WILDER, WEST, ANGER and BERGER. In class we will return to the concept of "sinematic bodies" as we move amidst literature (WEST), film (WILDER), gossip (ANGER) and oil painting (BERGER).september 20 monday
take-home micro-essay due! finish reading John Berger's WAYS OF SEEING.september 22 wednesday
we will complete our discussion of WILDER, WEST, BERGER and ANGER.
Due September 20, 2004, MONDAY, at the beginning of class. The specifics? TYPED! TWO-PAGES TOPS! NO COVER PAGE or FOLDER, a STAPLE is fine. YOU MUST PUT YOUR GTAs NAME on the TOP OF THE ESSAY ABOVE your name. You should have an EYE-GRABBING TITLE. WRITE as if your LIFE depended on it. DO NOT try to guess what we want; merely douse us with the exhilirating force that is YOUR imagination. What will you write? Fill in the blanks and complete the following paragraph. TWO pages tops! Can't write that LITTLE? then EDIT EDIT EDIT
It does not take a great stretch of the imagination to argue that Nathanael West and Billy Wilder share some significant and significantly twisted interests. For instance, West's Day of the Locust (1939) spends much of its time focusing on ______________________________________
___________________; while Billy Wilder's Sunset Boulevard unfolds as an exposé of________________________________________________. Let's look at one key moment from each work that makes the case for a West/Wilder tale of collusion. [continue this essay selecting specific textual outtakes from West's novel and references to specific scenes/images from Wilder's movie to make your case strong.]Having focused on one of the places where the novelistic vision of West and the cinematic eye of Wilder overlap, let us conclude by identifying one of the places they conflict. Where Nathanael West's satiric fiction illustrates _________________________________
___________________, Billy Wilder's tragic comedy seems a tad more interested in_______________________________________.
Bill Nericcio
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 23:37:50 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs1.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to "Dr. William Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu> using -f
To: "Dr. William Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu>
From: "Dr. William Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu>
Reply-To: "Dr. William Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu>
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw2)
Status: RO
dear resident sinemaniac,
just a quick e-note to apprise you of a major website attack; massive upgrades and updates...
...and some terribly vain snapshots!!!!!
yours in lit,
Dr. Bill Nericcio
hey there sinemaniacs,
i got the word today from the suits in administration and it is official-- I have been picked to direct the SDSU in LONDON Summer 2005 semester. If you have ever wanted to study abroad, take this chance to come 'over the drink' (as they say in the UK) with a wild, and wildly gifted group of students.
more info and a infoSIGNup link here:
(scroll down, just a tad)
if you know someone who might benefit from the British adventure, do please pass this note along.
cheers and hoping you
are enjoying our crazy mix
of West, Anger, Wilder, and Berger,
Dr.Bill Nericcio
ps: the program is open to all majors; WILL fulfill GE needs; will offer swank internships across London, and, is even open to GRADUATE STUDENTS.
pps: your website has been updated; numerous students have asked me if the micro-essay assignment is "for real" and do "I really expect you to copy MY prompt, only filling in the blanks" and then cutting loose with your own argument? YES--do what you are asked to do in the assignment; CAN you adapt the phrasing? ONLY if you replace it with something better. We can't wait to see your written explosions. Do feel free to illustrate your assignment with movie stills, author pictures and anything else you zap off the net--these illustrations will NOT count towards your two pages.
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 20:35:08 -0700To:
memo@sdsu.edu View Contact DetailsCC:
test of new blackboard listjust testing a new 250 student group list for the sinematic bodies
class. ignore this message.
ps: ok, don't ignore this part...good luck with your cool paper! we
can't wait to read it--one last thing, DON'T rip any of it off some site
on the Internet; I had a student 'borrow' from a 7nth grader last year.
Unfortunately, the 7nth-grader was smarter than my poor student who
ended up being shown the door to the university; knock our socks off with
your clever wit, wicked wisdom and voluptuous vision, NOT your
google-skills.peace, ink, lit and sinema!
bill nericcio
remember! there is a link here to add your name to the waiting list for
SUMMER 2005 in LONDON:http://literature.sdsu.edu/englmain.html
scroll down a little and look for the bobby (london cop) and the three
sdsu students by Tower Bridge. Over 18 students are on the list and we
may only have room for 25 to 30 wanderlust-bitten sdsu students; the
trip is OPEN to all majors/GE courses will be available as will cool
INTERNSHIPS for students in ALL fields.
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 13:56:11 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs6.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: free movie--NOT an extra-credit opportunity
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw2)
X-MailScanner-SpamCheck:Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-disposition: inline;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitDear class,
because I work in the field of literature and film, i get some freebies from time to time I like to pass along. below is a guestpass to a free screening of a new movie in la jolla. follow the instructions in the email that here follows and you and a friend can see a cool, new movie for free in la jolla. have a great week and please come to class ready to work on wednesday--if you MUST read a newspaper in class, let it be the NEW YORK TIMES or Le Monde.
note: seating is LIMITED and is given out on a first come, first serve basis...* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
cut here..................* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Media Arts Center San Diego, producer of the San Diego Latino Film Festival, is proud to invite you and a guest to a special FREE advance screening of MOTORCYCLE DIARIES starring GAEL GARCIA BERNAL - star of Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN, AMORES PERROS, & CRIMEN DEL PADRE AMARO (this Tuesday, September 21st)!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *note: Print this invitation and present it to the screening representative at the theatre entrance.
When: This Tuesday, September 21
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: Landmarks La Jolla Village?(8879 Villa La Jolla Dr.)
Tuesday,?September 21?at 7:00 PMPlease feel free to share this exciting opportunity with a friend!
This is the true story of a 23-year-old medical student from Argentina, Che Guevara (Bernal), who traveled across South America on a motorcycle with his friend Alberto Granado (de la Serna) in 1951-1952, in a personal odyssey which would ultimately inspire him to become a revolutionary who had a profound impact on the history of several nations. The duo has a series of adventures that vary from the suspenseful (stowing away on a cargo ship, exploring Incan ruins) to the comedic (falling off their bikes, wooing women, drunken revelry) to the serious (volunteering at a leper colony).
Release Date:??October 1, 2004?MPAA Rating:?? R for language.
Distributor:?? Focus Features
Cast and Credits...
Starring: Gael Garcia Bernal (Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN, AMORES PERROS, CRIMEN DEL PADRE AMARO), Rodrigo de la Serna, Mia Maestro, Mercedes Moran, Susana Lanteri
Directed by: Walter Salles (Central Station)
Produced by: Karen Tenkoff, Michael Nozik, Edgard Tenenbaum, Karen Tenkhoff
Print this invitation and present it to the screening representative at the theatre entrance. ARRIVE EARLY! Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis and cannot be guaranteed!?Screening?is overbooked to ensure a full house!?Final count is based on those who have already entered the theatre. No admittance once fim begins. This email admits you plus?one guest.?Enjoy the film!
Inclusion on this distribution list is by invitation only. Need directions to the theatre? Go to mapquest.com. Questions about the movie? Visit the film's official website or Yahoo! movies.com. ?Please, no phone calls?- thank you!
ADMIT TWO* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SUPPORT the exhibition of Latino Cinema in the San Diego / Tijuana Border Region! Become an Aficionado del Cine Latino member today! Click here to
sign-up on-line: http://www.sdlatinofilm.com/member.html
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *MEDIA ARTS CENTER SAN DIEGO
Exhibition // Youth Media // Filmmaker Resources* San Diego Latino Film Festival * Teen Producers Project * Cinema en tu Idioma * Monthly Open Screening Night * Fiscal Sponsorship Program * Film/Video Workshops * Association of Independent Video & Filmmakers - San Diego Salon *
Media Arts Center San Diego Inc., 921 25th Street, San Diego, CA 92102, TEL: 619-230-1938 ext. 101, FAX: 619-230-1937, ethan@mediaartscenter.org, www.mediaartscenter.org
---------------------William A. Nericcio
Associate Professor
English & Comparative Literature
SDSU/ 5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, California 92182-8140
---------------------Attachment converted: rhizome:motorcycle.jpg (JPEG/prvw) (0031D496)
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 13:02:40 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs1.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: late breaking extra-credit FREE activity @ MOPA Balboa Park...
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw2)
late breaking extra-credit FREE activity @ MOPA Balboa Park...
--Thursday, September 23, 2004
--Thursday, September 23, 2004
--Thursday, September 23, 2004--THIS IS FOR EXTRA-CREDIT
--THIS IS totally FREEBelow is an email invitation I received to a screening of a new film by a local producer at the tres swank MUSEUM of PHOTOGRAPHIC ART in Balboa Park THURS NITE. Info on the MUSEUM is here:
1649 El Prado
San Diego, CA 92101
619-238-7559 (Phone)
619-238-8777 (Fax)
(located in the Casa De Balboa building, east of the main traffic circle and central fountain) Directions: From Interstate 5 and 8 intersection: go southbound on I-5, take the 10th Ave. exit; Turn left on A St. and left again on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park. Parking is available throughout the Balboa Park.--------------
What's the extra-credit prompt? Well, as I told you in class last MONDAY, the sinematic/cinematic body named SCENE FROM THE MOVIE GIANT is a literary work, a series of poems, inspired by an encounter with a movie--A poet literally goes mad/goes artistic as a result of a run-in with a Rock Hudson/Elizabeth Taylor extravaganza entitled GIANT (it stars James Dean as well!).
In any event, our screening of the TACO SHOP POET film here at MOPA can be read as a cinematic narcotic antidote to the processes that brought about GIANT/SCENE FROM THE MOVIE GIANT. Your extra-credit assignment--to be completed and turned in typed, double-spaced, and spicy title, on Wednesday, Sept 29, 2004 IN CLASS--would be to find a way to compare Villanueva's book of poems to the work you see on the screen at MOPA.
To: "Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu>
From: info@vozalta.org
Subject: Latino Arts and Culture Movie Featuring the Taco Shop Poets
Sender: info@vozalta.org
X-Groupnum: 42
X-Usernum: 3584879677
X-Replyto: info@vozalta.org
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 10:10:12 -0700 (PDT)VOZ ALTA
San Diego's Chican@ Latin@
Performance Space and Art Gallery
1544 Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101http://vozalta.org
You are invited to a Preview Screening of
Visiones: Latino Art and Culture
featuring San Diego's Taco Shop PoetsProduced and Directed by Paul Espinosa
Museum of Photographic Arts
Balboa Park
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Program begins promptly at 6:00 pm
Limited Seating - Free AdmissionSpecial Guests include Featured Artists:
Adrian Arancibia, Miguel Angel Soria, Adolfo Guzman Lopez of the Taco Shop Poets
David Avalos and Evelyn Diaz CruzQ & A with Artists and Producer after Screening
Screening features three segments:
In San Diego, Producer/Director Paul Espinosa captures the Taco Shop Poets as they take their art to the people. In San Antonio, Producer/Director Hector Galan explores the world of Chicano theatre profiling Carpa Garcia.
In San Francisco, we journey with Producer/Director Gustavo Vazquez into the space of performance art with Guillermo Gomez-Pea.Visiones: Latino Art and Culture is a landmark PBS television series that features the rich cultural and artistic expressions of Latinos in the United States
In San Diego, Visiones begins airing on KPBS:
Sunday October 31, 2004 @ 2:30 pmVisiones show featuring The Taco Shop Poets airs on KPBS:
Wednesday November 17, 2004 @ 10:30 pm
Sunday November 28, 2004 @ 2:30 pm
Voz Alta Project is a contemporary Chicana/o nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting community empowerment and social change through cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary art forms.Voz Alta is an all ages venue, seating is limited so please arrive early. If you have any special needs during an event please contact Voz Alta at 619/230-1869.
see you in class tomorrow as we say goodbye for the moment to ANGER/BERGER/WEST/y WILDER
yours in LIT
dr. william a. nericcio
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:49:57 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edujust a few quick notes:
--our attendance policy is FOR REAL. if you intend to miss more than three classes, then prepare for your grade to plummet in catastrophic ways.
--don't come to class without doing the readings (good news? no reading this coming week! want to get ahead? read the SILLS picture book. really want to get ahead? read ALDOUS HUXLEY's __Brave New World__? really really want to get ahead? relax!).
--if you need to sleep or read newspapers in Hardy Tower 140, do it at night.
--i had an amazing class that did some amazing projects this past summer; check out their work here: http://literature.sdsu.edu/2004/summer/tattoo/psyche.html (the tattoo gallery is where the student work hangs out!) let the risks these students took inspire your work to new heights this semester.
--don't be shy about signing up for the summer 2005 London adventure. signing up for this list (send me an email to memo@sdsu.edu with "LONDON 2005" in the subject line) does NOT commit you to go at all. more info here:
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~londonsp/summer_index.html--last and not least? what an amazing and brave performance by the talented souls who wowed us with their renditions of TEENOH VEEYAHNOOEHVAH's (phonetic rendering of Tino Villanueva) SCENE opus. There will be more chances for this later in the year when we welcome OLIVER MAYER from LA and read his plays and, maybe, act out scenes from his work. Mayer's work will be sold IN CLASS and is not available online or in the bookstore.
--Lanzbom's writing crib website has been updated; visit it online in theLOBBY.
--know of some cool/free/cheap/swank film or lit event going on in SD or in SoCal; drop me an email so I can add it to our class website...
thanx for your work
for your imagination
and your spirit!
Dr. William A. Nericcio
Professor | Troublemaker
(visit this link if only to snicker at the dorky picture of me they put on this site!)
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 14:10:38 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
it's cool. it's free. it's literary!!!!
read what follows!feel free to pass this note around to friends who need help with their writing and enemies who you know loathe literature!
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004
To: bill nericcio <memo@sdsu.edu>
From: clewis <clewis@rohan.sdsu.edu>
Subject: Tutor begins Oct. 5thFaculty,
Please announce to your students
The Department of English will have walk-in tutoring beginning October 5th in room AH 4152. Specific days and times are posted on the door.
Chris Lewis
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 08:54:11 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edua couple of really cool students from your class sent me an email urging me to add an independent film to the class website and maybe to show it to the class--it is a decidedly AMERICAN twist on the CSODA POK critique of our CULTUREINDUSTRY. i am blown away when students take it upon themselves to ADD to the quality of our crazy show/class/circus, so I went ahead and did it.
be forewarned that the film openly critiques the present presidential administration so if the cheney/bush ticket makes you politically erect, do give that section of theLOBBY a miss.
Bill Nericcio
Professor | Idiot Savant | mourningPADRESfanps: i am in from 10 to 12 this morning for extra office hours if you want to drop by and introduce yourself, gripe, whine, or tout the genius of my GTAs. I am in AH 4117.
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 19:55:02 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs3.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edujust a note about updates to your sinematicbodies homepage and your emailpage--seems like one of your gifted colleagues is a bona fide film dude and that, get this, they are making a movie on campus and NEED EXTRAS! holy Faye Greener Batman! What an opportunity. in any event, the details are at the bottom of the email page. i make NO PROMISES regarding extra-credit, nor do I know whether the student directors are more Fellini/Scorcese or Larry Flynt/Hugh Hefner, so do please commit yourself to them with enthusiasm AND caution! seriously, being an extra is good way to get a sense of all the FAKERY that goes into making the "reality" of film, so this is a good add-on component for the class. if the experience changes your life forever and you feel compelled to document your experience in prose and image (can you say camera?), i am open to you pitching a special extra-credit project to mein office hours next week!
have a great weekend!
yours, Dr. Bill Nericcio................ main webpage: http://literature.sdsu.edu/2004/220/nericcio and emailpage: http://eyegiene.sdsu.edu/2004/220/nericcio/emails.html.......... out!
Fri, 1 Oct 2004 18:29:25 -0700 (PDT)
From:"DR. NOISE" <dothemathfilms@yahoo.com> Add to Address Book
Subject: EXTRA opportunities for our classmates (Student Film)To: "Bill Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu>
Bill, On another note...I am shooting a TFM students senior project this up and coming week. On Sunday October10th at 12 noon we are shooting a college campus scene in front of Hardy Tower. We need a bunch of extras so if you wouldn't mind passing this along to our fellow sinematic bodies that would be terrific. I'm hoping for at least 60 people. A hundred would be great and more would be even better. We also have some college party scenes also. If the students are interested in those they can contact us at: cowardproject@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 21:32:57 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.eduit is, at first glance, an odd flick; but let
that oddness, and, to be clear, let the "assholeness"
of the protagonist photographer, "Thomas", tease
you into the complexity of Antonioni's cinematic,
or, better put, sinematic vision. do
please make the time to surf around your class webpage
as there have been MANY significant updates.hope to god you are still enjoying the class; you
are an amazing group of undergraduates and
i am lucky to have the chance to lead you
in this peculiar adventure of a class.yours in ink, lit, light, and cinema,
billl nericcio
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 15:24:41 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.educlass
your webpage has been updated with your important semester writing assignment. be sure to read the email page to see if you've missed any important announcements like the filmshoot you can be a part of this weekend!
most of the updates and the writing assignment are in theLOBBY of our site; note the links to mla-info and a mla/apa citation wizard courtesy of a bibliographically-lovin' colleague of yours who wishes to remain un-named!
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 09:50:09 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs3.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.eduKevin Joelson, one of your class colleagues, is a film major making a film this weekend; he is looking for volunteers who want to come out on Sunday and shoot a crowd scene; he also has other scenes and parts where sinematicbodies classmembers could figure. all the details are included in the email exchange pasted below; have a great weekend, and, if you want to actually get ahead, start reading BRAVE NEW WORLD.
bill nericcio
professor | film geek | red sox fan (pray for me)-----------pasted email----------
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2004 20:03:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: "DR. NOISE" <dothemathfilms@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: EXTRA opportunities for our classmates (Student Film)
To: Bill Nericcio <memo@sdsu.edu>Bill,
I didn't get a chance to see my email before class. I
couldn't remind you to tell the fellow students about
my project...If you wouldn't mind sending the info to
them via email that would be superb!
Kevin Joelson
--- Bill Nericcio <memo@sdsu.edu> wrote:> >Bill,
> >I will come by and talk to you about the film/final
> >project.
> >
> >On another note...I am shooting a TFM students
> senior
> >project this up and coming week. On Sunday October
> >10th at 12 noon we are shooting a college campus
> scene
> >in front of Hardy Tower. We need a bunch of extras
> so
> >if you wouldn't mind passing this along to our
> fellow
> >sinematic bodies that would be terrific. I'm
> hoping
> >for at least 60 people. A hundred would be great
> and
> >more would be even better.
> >We also have some college party scenes also. If
> the
> >students are interested in those they can contact
> us
> >at:
> >cowardproject@yahoo.com
> >Thanks for your help in advance.
> >
> >Kevin Joelson![]()
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:25:44 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs1.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: very cool event! FYI | not a class requirementa colleague of mine in women's studies passed this to me to pass to my students; seems like a cool gig/event AND you just might score a great job or contact out of it...
here's the email and flyer
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 07:44:52 -0700
To: calfolk@mail.sdsu.edu
From: Doreen Mattingly <mattingl@mail.sdsu.edu>
Subject: Women's Career Event
Sender: owner-calfolk@lists.sdsu.edu
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw3)
Here is your chance to give students help finding a job. On Friday, Oct. 15, the Women's Studies Department is bringing 30 local professional women to SDSU for question-and-answer sessions with students about careers, education, and much more. The event begins at 1 p.m. in Hepner 130 with a keynote address by San Diego City Council member (and now mayorial candidate) Donna Frye. Between 2 and 4 there will be 12 different panels of professional women (also in Hepner Hall). The event is free; both male and female students are welcome to attend. A flyer is attached. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Dr. Doreen J. Mattingly
Department of Women's Studies
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-8138
phone (619) 594-8033
fax (619) 594-5218
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 16:06:32 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs6.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu--ALL films we will show for this class are on reserve in the media center at love library.
dear Antonioni fans!
--if you left the room today annoyed and confused, no worries! you are supposed to feel that way, Antonioni wanted you to feel that way. he wants nothing more and nothing less than the whole premise of realtity to explode in the face of THOMAS, the photographer, and YOU, the viewer. on another note, now you know where mike myers from austin powers got all his groovy ideas from. FYI: this was the FIRST major film in Europe and the US to show full frontal nudity, orgies, pot parties etc. (holy bongwater batman!).
--your BIG essay assignment is ON the web at your website in theLOBBY
--don't come to class without having read ALL of the SILLS photobook ( In Real Life: Six Women Photographers by Leslie Sills); the trick or the game is to see which of the women photographers in this collection are LIKE Thomas from Blow-Up and which are his opposite. Is the act of PHOTOGRAPHY necessarily destructive and selfish, or is there another WAY OF SEEING photography. of particular interest for WEDNESDAY's class? Carrie Mae Weems and Cindy Sherman. this photobook was written for 9th and 10th graders so please no bellyaching about the reading; however, it is your INTERPRETATIONS of the images that will be of more interest on WEDNESDAY.
have a great day and see you soon,
Dr. William A. Nericcio
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 09:54:23 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs6.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: sinemaniacs
sinegang!owing to a meeting today at 2pm, I won't be able to keep my regular TUESDAY afternoon office hours. i will be in though from 12 to 2 today and from 10 to 11:30 tomorrow, Wednesday, before class in AH 4117 if you want to see me and kvetch about Antonioni's films, moan about how abstract all this image criticism is, or chastize me for my literary views--you are also free to sing the praises of the writing assignment, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that....
Bill aka memo@sdsu.edu
William A. Nericcio
Associate Professor
English & Comparative Literature
SDSU/ 5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, California 92182-8140
mailto:memo@sdsu.eduOffice Hours Fall 2004
Mondays from 1:15 to 2:30pm;
Tuesdays 2-4pm and by appt.
Adams Humanities 4117links: http://literature.sdsu.edu/textmex
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 10:36:12 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs5.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: an example of the sinematic body coupling with the body politic
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
whether or not you agree with his views, you have to admit, especially given the focus of this class, that Michael Moore's rather large body, is a perfect example of the sinematic body theory at work in our culture at large.
recall that our literary adventure this semester is founded on the view that hollywood's influence (or influenza) impacts upon all the institutions and phenomena that make up what we call culture--in short, the culture industry is contaminated by film and that INCLUDES the world of literature.
in any event Michael Moore's visit to SD County for tonight is SOLDOUT at the Del Mar fairgrounds...
see the story here:
and here
do please note, the question here is NOT whether or not you agree or disagree with Moore's views! the focus is on understanding our gifted lefty Moby Dick, as an example par excellence of the sinematic body at work in contemporary american culture...
see you tomorrow--bring your photobook by SILLS (last warning).
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 16:56:05 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs5.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: last minute reading for tomorrow's class
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
Status: RO
read this for pleasure!
a fragment on photography by susan sontag....
bill nericcio
memo@sdsu.edups: a link to it is now there in your updated theLOBBY
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 15:50:45 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs6.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: corporate america seeking out talented young women,
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
dear female sinematic bodies, with apologies to male sinematic bodies that lack the proper equipment!
i received this email today; i am NOT SURE it is utterly legitimate, but I would not want to NOT forward it to you only owing to my utter paranoia with regard to email offers. in any event, here it is; at worst it saves you 18 bucks; at worst you get to be a living and breathing (and rich!) component of corporate america.
yours, oddly, drenched in capitalism,
forwarded message
Women For Hire is hosting a free career fair in San Diego on Tuesday, October 26, and there will be great employment opportunities for your students with Ameriquest, Nextel, Washington Group International, C.H. Robinson, Target, the CIA, the Univ or California at San Diego, New York Life, Kaiser Permanente, SAIC, and more. (The full details are included below.) I‚ve already notified career services of this event, but wanted to share this information with you, as you have the most direct contact with students.
We‚d love to have you email your students about the event, and as a special offer, we could offer those interested a free membership to the Women For Hire Network ($18 value). It‚s a great tool for career advancement and includes a feature called „Ask Tory & Team‰ that allows you to ask personalized career questions and we‚ll respond within 24 hours of the next business day. For full details visit <http://www.womenforhire.com/network/index.asp>www.womenforhire.com/network/index.asp. To take advantage of this, members can email me directly with their name and email address, and mention the network offer.
Thanks for your consideration.
Jami Schievelbein
Marketing Coordinator
Women For Hire
212-580-6100Meet Face-to-Face with 40+ Top Employers in San Diego on 10/26!
We've added great new companies with lots of jobs in every field. Join us at the Women For Hire Career Expo!Tuesday, October 26, 2004 * 10am to 4pm
San Diego Wyndham Emerald
400 West Broadway * San Diego, CA*Free admission for professional women
*Resume and business attire required
*No pre-registrationA PARTIAL list of 40+ employers includes: AFLAC, American Express Financial Advisors, Ameriquest Mortgage, AMN Healthcare, ATK Composites, Boston Market, C.H. Robinson Worldwide, CIA, Cingular Wireless, Customs and Border Protection, DEA, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Federal Aviation Administration, FedEx Ground and Home Delivery, Genworth Financial, Home Depot, Kaiser Permanente, Morgan Stanley, New York Life, Nextel, SAIC, Target, U.S. Department of State, University of California in San Diego, Verizon Wireless, Wal-Mart, Washington Group International AND MORE!
For full details visit <http://www.womenforhire.com/>www.womenforhire.com.
Register today for the Women For Hire Breakfast Seminar!
Prior to the San Diego career expo, Women For Hire CEO Tory Johnson will host an early morning networking seminar to share her advice, expertise, and insight on even the toughest jobsearch dilemmas. This session provides the inspiration you need to succeed.We‚ve heard consistent feedback that the early morning seminar is a great way to start the day, and has given hundreds of women like you the boost in confidence needed to make the most of the career expo. You‚ll leave refreshed and ready to network with some of America‚s leading employers.
All attendees will receive:
- A copy of our newly released book, Women For Hire‚s Get-Ahead Guide to Career Success
- Priority admittance to the career expo immediately following seminar
- Free resume scan distributed to employers that recruit at Women For Hire eventsJumpstart your jobsearch! Sign up for the early morning seminar today at <http://www.womenforhire.com/fairs/sandiego/fall2004.asp>www.womenforhire.com/fairs/sandiego/fall2004.asp.
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 13:40:06 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs3.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.eduthis forwarded message is NOT required
reading for the class; it is sent to you on
the off chance you are looking to test your
artistic skills.a former student of mine is becoming
a literary entrepreneur up the street at
UCRiverside. here is a copy of a message
he sent me today; respond to it if you
are interested.
------------------X-Priority: 3
Reply-To: jonathanmark@earthlink.net
From: "Jonathan Speight" <jonathanmark@earthlink.net>
To: ""Bill Nericcio" <memo@sdsu.edu>
Subject: CRATE - call for submissions
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 23:16:25 -0700
Dear Close Friend (whom I know will not being mass e-mailed),
As you know, I've founded a new literary journal at UCR this year and currently am sending out emails en masse to encourage submissions. If you received this letter, you either are a writer, mingle with writers, or are just generally the type of person whom I associate with writing. Please feel free to forward this universally, personal invite to anyone you know who also is associated with writing.
Thanks for your time, and I hope to speak to you each individually - in about 7 months.
CRATE, a new literary journal in association with the M.F.A. program at the University of California, Riverside, is pleased to announce the call for submissions for its inaugural issue.
CRATE is interested in writing that reflects upon the interests and diverse communities of Southern California, especially the Riverside County/Inland Empire region.
In our inaugural issue, we invite writers to explore the astronomical, emotional, and environmental boundaries of our chosen theme, Controlled Burn. We encourage submissions that seek to cross genre borders and boundaries.
CRATE is pleased to announce Marilyn Chin, Mike Davis, and Nina Revoyr as three of our featured writers in this issue with more to be announced. Our premier issue will also feature the art work of local artists and photographers.
We will be accepting admissions in poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and playwriting as well as critical essays and reviews.
Submissions should include a cover letter that states the titles of all works submitted as well as a SASE for manuscript return. We use a double blind selection process and will not be responsible for unreturned manuscripts without a SASE. We do accept simultaneous submissions though that should be noted in your cover letter.
For more detailed submission guidelines, we invite you to visit our website at <http://www.crate.ucr.edu/>www.crate.ucr.edu.
Send submissions to:
CRATE journal
Department of Creative Writing
1607 HMNSS
Riverside, CA 92521
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 15:50:45 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs6.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: corporate america seeking out talented young women,
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
dear female sinematic bodies, with apologies to male sinematic bodies that lack the proper equipment!
i received this email today; i am NOT SURE it is utterly legitimate, but I would not want to NOT forward it to you only owing to my utter paranoia with regard to email offers. in any event, here it is; at worst it saves you 18 bucks; at worst you get to be a living and breathing (and rich!) component of corporate america.
yours, oddly, drenched in capitalism,
forwarded message
Women For Hire is hosting a free career fair in San Diego on Tuesday, October 26, and there will be great employment opportunities for your students with Ameriquest, Nextel, Washington Group International, C.H. Robinson, Target, the CIA, the Univ or California at San Diego, New York Life, Kaiser Permanente, SAIC, and more. (The full details are included below.) I‚ve already notified career services of this event, but wanted to share this information with you, as you have the most direct contact with students.
We‚d love to have you email your students about the event, and as a special offer, we could offer those interested a free membership to the Women For Hire Network ($18 value). It‚s a great tool for career advancement and includes a feature called „Ask Tory & Team‰ that allows you to ask personalized career questions and we‚ll respond within 24 hours of the next business day. For full details visit <http://www.womenforhire.com/network/index.asp>www.womenforhire.com/network/index.asp. To take advantage of this, members can email me directly with their name and email address, and mention the network offer.
Thanks for your consideration.
Jami Schievelbein
Marketing Coordinator
Women For Hire
212-580-6100Meet Face-to-Face with 40+ Top Employers in San Diego on 10/26!
We've added great new companies with lots of jobs in every field. Join us at the Women For Hire Career Expo!Tuesday, October 26, 2004 * 10am to 4pm
San Diego Wyndham Emerald
400 West Broadway * San Diego, CA*Free admission for professional women
*Resume and business attire required
*No pre-registrationA PARTIAL list of 40+ employers includes: AFLAC, American Express Financial Advisors, Ameriquest Mortgage, AMN Healthcare, ATK Composites, Boston Market, C.H. Robinson Worldwide, CIA, Cingular Wireless, Customs and Border Protection, DEA, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Federal Aviation Administration, FedEx Ground and Home Delivery, Genworth Financial, Home Depot, Kaiser Permanente, Morgan Stanley, New York Life, Nextel, SAIC, Target, U.S. Department of State, University of California in San Diego, Verizon Wireless, Wal-Mart, Washington Group International AND MORE!
For full details visit <http://www.womenforhire.com/>www.womenforhire.com.
Register today for the Women For Hire Breakfast Seminar!
Prior to the San Diego career expo, Women For Hire CEO Tory Johnson will host an early morning networking seminar to share her advice, expertise, and insight on even the toughest jobsearch dilemmas. This session provides the inspiration you need to succeed.We‚ve heard consistent feedback that the early morning seminar is a great way to start the day, and has given hundreds of women like you the boost in confidence needed to make the most of the career expo. You‚ll leave refreshed and ready to network with some of America‚s leading employers.
All attendees will receive:
- A copy of our newly released book, Women For Hire‚s Get-Ahead Guide to Career Success
- Priority admittance to the career expo immediately following seminar
- Free resume scan distributed to employers that recruit at Women For Hire eventsJumpstart your jobsearch! Sign up for the early morning seminar today at <http://www.womenforhire.com/fairs/sandiego/fall2004.asp>www.womenforhire.com/fairs/sandiego/fall2004.asp.
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:33:57 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.ed
Subject: have a great weekend!sinematicbodies!
1. thanks for a great week of classes.
2. for those of you starting to think about your paper, I am going to post this afternoon in theLOBBY, a copy of the grade sheet the GTAs and myself use to grade your papers. Listed on it are all the COMMON GLITCHES found in literary/arts essays. better you should know what to avoid BEFORE you turn in your masterpiece.
3. I have already started to receive, as have the GTAs, proposals for independent projects; do make sure you author a proper detailed proposal before you submit them to us; the ones we have seen so far are amazing!
4. ten of you have already signed up to run across campus like the crazy mimes in Antonioni's BLOW-UP; email me with the word MIME in the subject area if you want to join this elite corps of artsy anarchists.
5. I received this message today--if you are not too busy tomorrow, try to volunteer if you have the urge:
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 10:29:54 -0700
To: LASGA <lasga@rohan.sdsu.edu>
From: lasga <lasga@rohan.sdsu.edu>
Subject: Día de la Mujer Latina: Reminder
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X-MailScanner-SpamCheck:Just a reminder:
The 1st Annual San Diego County Día de la Mujer Latina
FREE HEALTH FAIRDate: October 16th, 2004
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Where: San Diego City College
Día de la Mujer Latina is a free community-based health festival designed to promote, inform, and educate the Latino community on health issues affecting women today. This out reach effort will provide education and screening in ares such as:
Breast Exams Mammograms Blood Pressure Screening
HIV Tests Pregnancy Tests Diabetes Screening Dental and Vision Exams
CHILDREN IMMUNIZATIONSFeaturing Live Music, Live Broadcast, Food, Make overs, raffles & Much More
For More Information about this event, please call Jovita (858) 688-2175
to volunteer your time to this event please call Ana Talavera at 619-594-3796 or by email at atalavera@projects.sdsu.edu
6. Come to class having read HUXLEY! the first 99pages!
William A. Nericcio
Associate Professor
English & Comparative Literature
SDSU/ 5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, California 92182-8140
mailto:memo@sdsu.eduOffice Hours Fall 2004
Mondays from 1:15 to 2:30pm;
Tuesdays 2-4pm and by appt.
Adams Humanities 4117links: http://literature.sdsu.edu/textmex
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 13:37:01 -0700
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.eduSinematicistas!
MOST pages have been updated at your class website; but BE very careful about reading the MENU page--pretty much ALL filled in for the balance of the semester, save for the OLIVER MAYER playwright visit which still has to be nailed down! THERE are two new REQUIRED TEXTS for the semester: the MAYER PLAY reading packet ($6bucks); AND, new, the BENNIE HERRON/KEV SHORT spoken word/music CD ($5); these will be distributed and sold in the breakout sections. Details to follow soon!
go here for key updates!
or here for the main page!
ps: various spies have informed me that Leon Lanzbom, my faithful minion/GTA, has been slandering our class website, suggesting that your professor is the "A.D.D. webmaster." He will be publicly flogged in class next MONDAY--bring your cameras! yours, professor tyrantnericcio.
pps: there are NOW 13 mimes and couting!
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 15:41:21 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs4.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.eduhey sinegang,
I had a mistake on the day to day menu calendar and have fixed it; go here for details:
or go to the bottom of this message for a plaintext, no-images version of the menu for the rest of the semester!
updated 11-1-2004
NOVEMBER 1, Monday
Peeping TOM by Michael Powell is screened in the BIG HOUSE, Hardy Tower 140; brace for the sinematic centerpiece of our class project!
Peeping TOM continues!
Memorable Quotes from Peeping Tom (1960)
Mark Lewis : Do you know what the most frightening thing in the world is? It's fear.Vivian : What would frighten me to death? Set the mood for me, Mark.
Mark Lewis : Imagine... someone coming towards you... who wants to kill you... regardless of the consequences.
Vivian : A madman?
Mark Lewis : Yes. But he knows it - and you don't.Mr. Peters : Got a question for you. Which magazine sells the most copies?
Mark Lewis : Those with girls on the front covers and no front covers on the girls.Mrs. Stephens : Instinct's a wonderful thing, isn't it, Mark? A pity it can't be photographed. If I'd listened to it years ago, I - I might have kept my sight. I wouldn't have let a man operate I had no faith in.
NOVEMBER 8, Monday
Read to the top of page 121 in DENISE CHAVEZ's LOVING PEDRO INFANTE (first page opposite); during seminar we will both grapple with the sensational and sensationally warped vision of Michael Powell AND the delicious prose of Denise Chavez.NOVEMBER 10, WEDNESDAY
CHAVEZ readings continue to around p.200.NOVEMBER 15, Monday
CHAVEZ readings to around p.300NOVEMBER 17, Wednesday
Finish Chavez NOVEL; begin reading Spiegelman IN THE SHADOW OF NO TOWERS book!NEW ESSAY DUE DATE
The completed essay is due November 19th @12noon in the special box in front of my office, AH4117--no late papers accepted; no emailed papers accepted. MAKE SURE YOUR GTA'S NAME IS CLEARLY TYPED ON THE FRONT PAGE OF YOUR ESSAY. NO COVER PAGE NECESSARY.
Monday November 22, 2004
Thanksgiving WEEK-- no class for SINEMATIC BODIES, E220.
Wednesday November 24, 2004
Enjoy your holiday--peace to you and your various beloveds!
Monday, November 29, 2004
Spoken Word/Jazz/Gospel; walk into the room having carefully "read" and having carefully listened to the SPOKEN WORD CD
Wednesday, December 1, 2004 TBA
ENTER THE class having read the entire SPIEGELMAN book.
Monday, December 6 , 2004 OLIVER MAYer is in the HOUSE!
Wednesday December 8, 2004
Final exam today in class--the exam is comprehensive and CLOSED BOOK, so bring a pen and nothing else.
William A. Nericcio
Associate Professor
English & Comparative Literature
SDSU/ 5500 Campanile Drive
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 10:42:40 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs2.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edusineholics!
starving for satiric relief as you make your way through huxley's scathing vision, sinematic seer that he is, of our very near future?
for an example of a sinematic sensibility--that is, a simultaneous command and understanding both of the power of visual conventions (TV, Film etc), and the capability to expose its limitations, screen the following television excerpts here:
right-leaning ditto-heads may find the exchange painful, but it is useful to watch these sequences to understand the power of contemporary satire, regardless of your political affiliation; and, just between you and me, to see Jon Stewart rip UNCTUOUS Tucker Carlson's bow-tie AND call him a D*** on national television (CNN) is a sterling moment in the history of our commercial media.
bill nericcio
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 15:52:07 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs2.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.ed
visit theLOBBY for hot updates ON extra-credit opportunities!can you say 'theatre'
can you say 'art'go here for more info:
bill "frenchie" nericcio
professor and art poseur
ps: have a great rainy tuesday!
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:16:09 -0700
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: campus events | FYI | NOT (absolutely) E220 related
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I received this email and thought I would
pass it along; it seems like a good, progressive,
and meaningful way to add extra-curricular
activities to your resume, not to mention your
conscience!yours for Amnesty International
bill nericcio
faculty advisor | amnesty international/sdsu
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:06:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: kristina <kilikinaa@yahoo.com>
Subject: S.E.A.C, Amnesty, A.S. environmetal & safety boardS.E.A.C is the Student Environmental Action Coalition; Amnesty International is the international human rights activist group--both are recognized SDSU groups. We welcome everyone to join us at our bi-weekly scheduled meetings. The next meeting is Thursday, October 28th at 4pm in Montezuma Hall. We would appreciate if you pass this information on to anyone that might be interested. Contact Kris if you have any questions or comments.
Thank You.
Kris Cherevas
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 15:54:52 -0700
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: new prompts ONLINE in theLOBBY
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We have updated your list of prompts for the BIGSCARYESSAY assignment; it is available below in plain-text or in theLOBBY
http://eyegiene.sdsu.edu/2004/220/nericcio/theLOBBY.html or here directly:
Best of luck and MAKE SURE you pick something you WANT to write about. if you can't please yourself, you can't please another reader!
plain-text version of OLD and NEW prompts
UPDATED with GTA questions October 26, 2004
Imagination Challenge Essay Prompts
e220 sinematic bodies
High, Lanzbom, Nericcio, Sneider & Richards, Inc.We begin with a snapshot of an intellectual theft: the particulars of this sinematic writing prompt borrow ideas from the intellectual imagination of Gore Vidal (and one can easily pilfer ideas from shoddier sources). Vidal, in one of his countless essays, looks into the murky past of that scary word (for students) „essay‰ and finds another word not usually associated with the term. That word is "attempt." Where all too often one imagines an essay as a finished product, Vidal argues that the emphasis for a writer in confronting the challenge of the essay should be less product and more process, less clear conclusions, than messy, delicious and invigorating questions.
You see, most people think of an essay as a finished product--a dull, lifeless, inert textual body with a static introduction, an "A-B-C" body, and a clear, let's-tie-up-all-the-pieces conclusion. You will not write this kind of essay for our Sinematic Bodies class. That's right, I am asking with no little nostalgia to return to the origins of the essay. Your only task is to make a sincere attempt to produce a set of ordered reflections, a group of carefully arranged tasty words which respond in some way to the novels, films, short critical treatments and lectures you have worked through and will continue to work through in the coming weeks.
Are you writing for Bill Nericcio and his cohort of talented literatiGTAs? In a way, of course you are. But in order to do well on this assignment, you must forget about your peculiar, if affable, intellectual guides. The only people who really count are the readers you write for: the audience for your paper--in short, YOUR READER. Who is she? What is he like? Well, regardless of his or her various genitalic configuration, he and she are a lot like you. When it comes to reading, they are impatient and easily bored. They like specific details; they love direct, succinct quotes woven carefully into the fabric of an essay. If you are going to write about an image, they want to see a reproduction of that image. They hate misspellings and passive verbs. They like tangy language which is fresh and not filled with stupid, tired phrases. Like you, they resent having their time wasted.
Regardless of which prompt grabs your eye, there is a Research component to this exercise--you should consult, cite and interweave material from at least two (2) outside published scholarly sources that relate explicitly to the particular thesis your essay unfolds-- acceptable research materials include: scholarly books and essays in academic journals--cite these sources using the MLA Bibliography stylesheet. Please DO NOT merely quote from a local newspaper or unedited online Œzine you find through GOOGLE on the Internet. (NOTE: I WOULD PREFER YOU NOT USE ONLINE RESEARCH RESOURCES NOR ENCYCLOPEDIAS; I ACTUALLY WANT YOU TO CAREFULLY AND WITH PLEASURE USE THE LIBRARY˜walk through the corridors of books and get lost even!). Some good starting places for published scholarly approaches to the materials in this class are the Modern Language Association Bibliography and the ProQuest Research Library, available online through Love Library: http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/databases
/databases.shtml.**Please throw yourself into the pleasure of writing this paper! Take chances and don't hold back--the best A+ essays will probably be efforts where the student, that's right YOU, adapts, warps, refracts, and/or re-imagines the questions provided. You should use no less than 5 and no more than 8 pages (double-spaced typed, carefully proofread, with a dynamic, suggestive title) to complete your task. No cover sheet or folder-cover is necessary and late papers will NOT be accepted. The completed essay is due November 19th @12noon in the special box in front of my office, AH4117--no late papers accepted; no emailed papers accepted.
Here are your prompts--you are welcome to adapt them as you see fit, especially if it means you producing a work of art that will blow your reader out of the water with excitement, enthusiasm, and ecstacy.
Smoke a Doobie for the State: American politicians rant and rave about those bbbbbaaaadddd drugs, yet allow American popular culture to portray Alcohol- and Marijuana=use as attractive and fashionable (see any rap song as an example). Anaylze Brave New World, Hollywood Babylon, and one other work to complicate the state-sponsored drug message. See if these works can elucidate American culture's love/hate relationship with drugs, and the master/slave relationship drug use allows.
Hegemony and Memory: Smash Brave New World, Ways of Seeing, and one other work together to investigate coercion through non-violent means. How does controlling the information about the past pacify and enslave citizens? What do the authors we have read this semester have to say about information control?
Constructed in High Heels: In the third essay in Ways of Seeing, Berger says that women, unlike men, construct themselves as both subject and object. Use this theory to analyze two female characters in the works we've read this semester and see if the author's portrayal of their female characters correlates to Berger's theory.
Which society do you believe offers a better way of living, The World State or the Savage Reservation? Discuss the values you see in both, keep in mind corruption, immorality, religion, decay etc. Bring in CSODA POK and/or other short works in theLOBBY to further elaborate your study.
Using "hegemony," the predominant influence, of a state, region, or group, over another, as your point of focus, how is director Michelangelo Antonioni's view of the world, which we can't see but is there, not all that different from Aldous Huxley's view of the world in Brave New World.
Women as "Other" | Explore how women are portrayed as objects of sex and beauty and thus objectified and made into the exotic "other" in Blow-up (or Peeping Tom), Brave New World, and Day of the Locust. How do these authors/directors attempt to make or break this stereotype or vision of women as "other"?
Crossing Borders/ Transformations | Several of our texts deal with characters who cross social, intellectual, or personal borders or transform themselves and their ways of seeing or representing what they see in a new or different way. Explore the different types of borders/transformations and the causes and effects of crossing/transforming choosing 3 from the following texts: Brave New World, Blow-up, Day of the Locust, Six Women Photographers, or Scene from the Movie Giant.
Use any two or three texts we have worked on (films, novels, short stories, essays, graphic narrative) and develop a critical thesis of your own design. Please write out a proposal for this thesis and email it to your GTA NO LATER THAN Friday October 29, 2004SINNING PSYCHES
Contrast the 'theory' or the 'philosophy' or the 'dynamics' of "sin" and „cinema‰ as they unfold in Michael Powell‚s Peeping Tom and Nathanael West's Day of the Locust.MAD MEN and a WOMAN
Todd Hackett, John the Savage, Norma Desmond and Thomas (the photographer in Blow-Up): what a foursome! Write a psychological 'autospy' on these four characters. How is their psychology a function of their relationship with the visual arts˜painting, television, film and photography? Use specific examples NOT DISCUSSED in class to support your findings.SEXY BEASTS
Is human sexuality a practice that relieves psychological pressures or is the sex act indeed THE act that creates the possibility of psychological monstrosities. Explore this idea in a comparative analysis of (two or three of the following): the writing of Aldous Huxley, the cinema of Michelangelo Antonioni, the playwriting of Oliver Mayer and the graphic narrative of Art Spiegelman.MOVIE MONSTERS
Cinema: dark, safe wombs of sorts; the first thing most people think of with regard to the movies? ESCAPE. Yet this semester we will learn that the movies, far from being a sanctuary, can also function as monstrous prisons, subjecting their denizens to pain and worse. Explore these notions in a comparative essay on Tino Villanueva, Denise Chavez and Billy Wilder.SADISM, MASOCHISM AND SADO-MASOCHISM
Sexual pleasure through the administration of pain? Sadism, named after the infamous Marquis de Sade. Sexual pleasure through the experience of pain? Masochism, named after the singularly deranged Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. In the hands of filmmaker Michael Powell and novelist Aldous Huxley however, we are introduced to studies wherein sadomasochistic characters--odd, disturbing and compelling fusions of Sade and von Masoch--rule the screen and book page. John Berger‚s Ways of Seeing might come in handy for this essay.ART AND THE SELF
Self-referentiality is the credo of postmodern literature and cinema. Yet different artists inject autobiographical references into their work for different reasons. Explore eruptions of the autobiographical in four of the works we have addressed this term.
**ProQuest is good for lazy researchers in that it archives full text versions of published scholarly articles, saving you the bother of finding out if Love Library carries the journals cited in the MLA Bibliography--heck, even some of my articles are indexed on ProQuest. However, there is no substitute, even in this the high age of cyber fetishization, there is NO substitute for physically prowling the library stacks for salient critical artifacts.
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:04:21 -0700
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: update and clarification
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Status: RO
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 09:04:21 -0700
X-Authentication-Warning: rs6.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.eduDear Class,
I am receiving TOO many emails, filled with panic and angst, over the "MIDTERM" we had on MONDAY, October 25, 2004.
It was NOT a MIDTERM! IT was a QUIZ, and a way for us to let you know what the final will FEEL like--a gift, of sorts.
Your performance on this quiz is part of this section of your total grade and I WILL QUOTE DIRECTLY from your ONLINE SYLLABUS: "33% of your grade will be based on quizzes, in-class writing, attendance, and class discussion/participation."
IN case you HAVE NOT READ your syllabus; your grading policy is as follows:
"Requirements: 33% of your grade will be based on one 5 to 8 page essay; 33% of your grade will be based on your final exam score; 1% of your grade will be based on your drive, ganas, chutzpah etc.; and 33% of your grade will be based on quizzes, in-class writing, attendance, and class discussion/participation."
I have enough experience to know and I have talked to my GTAs so I KNOW FOR SURE, that the reason said panic is flowering, is that many of you BOMBED the Monday quiz. Happily, there is a solution to these kinds of problems. Do the reading.
Next week we are doing a film--NO READINGS in class. Do yourself a favor for the final and catch up on your reading of BRAVE NEW WORLD and get ahead on your reading of LOVING PEDRO INFANTE. ALSO, do yourself a favor: when you walk into class on Monday, November 8, 2004, do so having ALREADY read up to the top of page 121 of Denise Chavez's novel LOVING PEDRO INFANTE. and don't come to class without your book.
have a spooky Halloween! and thanks, again, for all your hard work...
bill nericcio
associate professor
english & complit
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 11:01:07 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: URGENT URGENT URGENT and good news...
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
Dear class,
I made a mistake that has been brought to my attention by Sinematicbody/YOURclassmate Nicole Watson; as a result, you have MORE TIME to finish your essays. Go here for more details!
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 14:49:34 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: more updates and a FREE extra-credit opportunity
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first, i am receiving email complaining about the phone number listed for the play 2nite @ the Experimental Theatre on campus. I think your best bet would be to show up at the box office before the show to get your ticket. remember, they are charging 12 bucks, or so I was told and SINEMATICbodies students get a discount so that your fee is $9.
i have a FREE NEW extra-credit opportunity. Attend the FREE event noted below; write a TWO-PAGE event review. Your review MUST use an online essay by ONE of these writers as a guide to tasty writing--be sure to staple your MENTORessay to your review of the poetry event!!!!!
these are the writers you can look up on the web and emulate
J. HOBERMANYou won't find these wordsmiths reviewing poetry events, but you will get a better sense of how a good writer reaches out and grabs a would-be reader. This extra-credit assignment is DUE the same day and time as your bigSCARY essay--12noon November 19, 2004.
good luck,
Chicano Perk
and the
Red CalacArts Collective
presents our
2nd Annual Dia de los Muertos CommemorationTues, Nov. 2, 2004 @ 7pm
Chicano Perk
129 25th St.
San Diego, CalifasFREE!! ¡¡GRATIS!!
Featuring a poetic homenaje by
Pancho Bustos
Sara Duran
Estela Eaton
Marissa Raigoza
Michael Cheno WickertPlus, Benjamin Prado of the Raza Rights Coalition
And a special screening of the Dia de los Muertos episode of the new PBS series "Visiones: Latino Art and Culture"
Join us as we honor our traditions and pay homage to those that have passed.
Organized by the Red CalacArts Collective
Hosted by Chicano Perk
For more info call (619) 702-5414
or email RedCalacArts@cox.netVisit chicanoperk.com and redcalacartscollective.org.
"Visiones: Latino Art and Culture" is produced by Galan Productions and the National Association of Latino Arts and Culture. For more information about the Visiones series, please visit http://www.pbs.org/previews/visiones or http://www.galaninc.com to order the 2-DVD set.
Next Red CalacArts Event:
2nd Annual Dia de los Muertos Commemoration
Tues, Nov 2, 2004 @ 7pm @ Chicano Perk
¡Contra la Guerra! Calaca Press opposes the occupation of Iraq
Calaca Press
P.O. Box 2309, National City, Califas 91951
(619) 434-9036 phone/fax
http://calacapress.com calacapress@cox.net
Red CalacArts Publications, a Calaca Press imprint, presents:
¿Under What Bandera? Anti-War Ofrendas from Minnesota y Califas
ISBN 0-9717035-3-1 / $7.00 / Saddlestitched / 44 pages
New from Calaca Press:
La Calaca Review: A Bilingual Journal of Pensamiento & Palabra
ISBN 0-9660773-9-3 / $15.00 / perfectbound / 152 pages
Red CalacArts Collective: http://redcalacartscollective.org
Social and Political Consciousness through Artistic Means
Calaca Press is a member of the
Raza Press Association http://razapressassociation.org
and the Save Our Centro Coalition http://saveourcentro.orgc/s
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 11:26:09 -0800
X-Authentication-Warning: rs5.sdsu.edu: bbuser set sender to memo@sdsu.edu using -f
To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: updated COURSE MENU!!!!!
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw3)
updated 11-1-2004
NOVEMBER 1, Monday
Peeping TOM by Michael Powell is screened in the BIG HOUSE, Hardy Tower 140; brace for the sinematic
centerpiece of our class project!NOVEMBER 3. WEDNESDAY
Peeping TOM continues!
NOVEMBER 8, Monday
Read to the top of page 121 in DENISE CHAVEZ's LOVING PEDRO INFANTE (first page opposite); during
seminar we will both grapple with the sensational and sensationally warped vision of Michael Powell AND the
delicious prose of Denise Chavez.NOVEMBER 10, WEDNESDAY
CHAVEZ readings continue to around p.200.
NOVEMBER 15, Monday
CHAVEZ readings to around p.300NOVEMBER 17, Wednesday
Finish Chavez NOVEL; begin reading Spiegelman IN THE SHADOW OF NO TOWERS book!NEW ESSAY DUE DATE
The completed essay is due November 19th @12noon in the special box in front of my office, AH4117--no late
papers accepted; no emailed papers accepted. MAKE SURE YOUR GTA'S NAME IS CLEARLY TYPED ON
Monday November 22, 2004
Thanksgiving WEEK-- no class for SINEMATIC BODIES, E220.
Wednesday November 24, 2004
Enjoy your holiday--peace to you and your various beloveds!
Monday, November 29, 2004
Spoken Word/Jazz/Gospel; walk into the room having carefully "read" and having carefully listened to the
SPOKEN WORD CDWednesday, December 1, 2004
ENTER THE class having read the entire SPIEGELMAN book.
Monday, December 6 , 2004 OLIVER MAYer is in the HOUSE!
Wednesday December 8, 2004
Final exam today in class--the exam is comprehensive and CLOSED BOOK, so bring a pen and nothing else.
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 10:06:32 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: VERY cool article to read in preparation for our class December 1, 2004
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X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw1)
just a tip about a link to a good article to read AFTER (preferably) or before, if you must, read ART SPIEGELMAN's IN THE SHADOW OF NO TOWERS for our Dec. 1, 2004 session in Hardy Tower...
have a great election day and be sure to vote!
Bill Nericcio
Associate Professor of Sinemaniacs
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 16:00:08 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: updates!
X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
X-TNS-MailScanner: Found to be clean (mailgw3)
just some reminders, ideas, etc...
1. Re: in-class QUIZ WEDNESDAY: please don't come to class without doing the readings--the quiz will be comprehensive and you can't always expect an extra-credit assignment will pop up to make up for the basic work YOU NEED TO DO as a consequence of you being a UNIVERSITY student in this seminar. you've been warned!
2. hope you enjoyed today's lecture--bridging michael powell and denise chavez was NOT easy; hope todays thoughts about powell and chavez's shared curiosity about people TOUCHED (too much) by FILM provided an IN.
3. DON"T FORGET to bring your $5 bucks in an envelope with YOUR NAME and your TAs name to class Wednesday to pay for your November 29, 2004 Bennie Herron "reading"/ CD. The payment covers the CD, the booklet AND an honorarium for the live, in-class performance, so do PLEASE bring it with you to class.
4. are you a registered MIME? we will be running amuck on campus on December 1, 2004 just before class... be ready; more details going out to mimes soon!
5. TENTATIVE: we will have an informal reception for bennie herron and the accompanying musicians troupe, kev short et al, right after class on november 29th, 2004 at:
Ponce's Mexican Restaurant
(619) 282-4413
4050 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 921166. We are almost done; write like the genius you are!
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 16:34:28 -0800
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Subject: reminders
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Status: RO
1. do the reading. a stoopid quiz will open class tomorrow. how to prepare? do the reading.
2. bring your 5buck payment for the bennie herron "reading" CD in an envelope with your TA and your name on the outside.
3.the first cut on the cd includes an invocation of judeo-christian metaphorics--I queried the producers about this choice and was told that this reflected a spiritual attempt to do battle with the sinematic thrust of the works read this far this semester; what do you think?
4.you are the best lit class I have had at state in four years; chew on that one!
5.work hard.
6. out
professor william a. nericcio
troublemaker, freethinker, and radical
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 15:41:41 -0800
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just a quick note to former students that I am teaching two highly experimental and FUN! spring 2005 classes; if you are looking for a class that won't waste your time, please consider the following treats!
what the catalogue says
1. English 301: The Psychological Novel
what you will really get!
a course entitled either:
a. Sigmund Freud's Sexy Beasts: A Psychoanalytical Zoo of Literature, Film and Photography
b. Freud's Bastard Children: A Review of Psychoanalytic Film, Literature, and Art
i can't decide what to call it....
I am also teaching:
Comparative Literature 210: An Introduction to Comparative Literature
this is a cool once a week class that I direct that brings a differenct professor to lecture each session--a very painless way to meet and experience 14 professors and 14 cool short works of world lit.
pass this on to cool students that you know; my BEST students come from word of mouth and I would appreciate an assist!
have a great thanksgiving!
bill nericcio
Dr. William Anthony Nericcio
Associate Professor of English
& Comparative Literature
San Diego State University
San Diego, California 92182-8140
phone: 619.594.1524
eMail: memo@sdsu.edu
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 14:43:27 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
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Subject: gentle reminder and updates...
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dear sinematic bodies,
if you have a breakout session tomorrow with mike high or leon lanzbom, and you have yet to fork over the 5buck fee/honoraria for the Herron/Short music/poetry extravaganzaTEXT, do please remember to wrap said monetary offering in an envelope or elaborately wrapped paper with YOUR NAME and YOUR GTA's name and bring it with you to class tomorrow.
on another note, work hard on your essays this weekend so that you can bring your problems, gripes, griefs, etc. to class next monday when there will still be time to fix anything that has gone amiss--if ONE of you is having a problem, odds are 20 or so more of you are having the same trouble; be prepared to bring your gripes to class and share!
don't forget to do your readings for LOVING PEDRO INFANTE.
William Anthony Nericcio
Associate Professor of English
& Comparative Literature
San Diego State University
San Diego, California 92182-8140
phone: 619.594.1524
eMail: memo@sdsu.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 13:44:05 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
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Subject: FYI shoutout to African American artsies in my e220 class!!!
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FYI--be a star!
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:04:48 -0500 (EST)
From: San Diego Repertory Theatre <sandiegorep@sandiegorep.pmail.biz>
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: Looking for San Diego's HOTTEST PERFORMERS!
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Audition Notice for 13th Annual Kuumba Fest!
San Diego REPertory Theatre is Looking for
13th Annual KUUMBA FEST 2005
BLACK TO GLORY: Mind, Body & SoulFriday, February 25 - Sunday, February 27
at the Lyceum Theatre in Horton PlazaSan Diego's Black History Month's biggest event is returning to San Diego REPertory Theatre! The Thirteenth Annual Kuumba Fest - BLACK TO GLORY: Mind, Body & Soul - returns Friday, February 25 through Sunday, February 27 to regale San Diego with a three-day celebration of African American life, positive images, history and heritage. "Kuumba" is a Swahili word for "creativity," and Kuumba Fest offers opportunities to find personal expression and build community through creativity.
Under the direction of Artistic Director Daj-ahn Blevins, Kuumba Fest is San Diego's longest running and premier celebration of African and African-American performance and culture. The three day festival will include workshops, community service awards, an African marketplace, Live at the Lyceum, a Gospel Concert and guest speakers and artists.
Audition Dates:
November 22 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM
African-American Actors + Models for Festival Plays;
ages 17 - 50
*Prepare 2 min. monologueNovember 29 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Hip-Hop Artists, Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Poets, Comedians, and entertainers of all types to compete in SD longest running talent competition:
Late Nite Live at the Lyceum ~ $500.00 grand prize
and exposure to top industry professionals.
There will be youth and adult divisions.
*Bring recorded musicAuditions will be held at San Diego REP at the Lyceum Theatres in Horton Plaza, Downtown
For more info Call: Daj-ahn Blevins at 619 527-4895
or Tom Parrish at SD REP at 619 231-3586 x612
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 18:19:20 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
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Subject: one last reminder before the paper and another reminder regarding the CD
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Status: RO
beloved sinemaniacs!
1. Please bring your payments from the HERRON/SHORT CD to your breakout sections on FRIDAY--or, slide it under my door by noon. YOU KNOW THE DRILL--put the money in an envelope OR a piece of paper WITH YOUR NAME and your GTA name clearly printed on the outside. Thanx!
2. CLARIFICATION: I had a brief meeting today with my GTAs and I want to issue a class-wide clarification. Some of you are doing arts-related projects to complement your written critical study--I love this! I have seen some of them and they are blowing me and the GTAs away. HOWEVER (drumroll), let me underscore that there must be a written, researched component attached to these projects that analyses key texts read, screen, watched, etc in class, and that connects these brilliant photographed, sculpted, filmed special projects to said analysis.
3. Thank you for your hard work--we have quite an adventure set up for you after the Thanksgiving break: live spoken word poetry, gospel & live jazz, hot new graphic narrative, amazing theater from LA, and, last but not least, your final exam adventure! May your Thanksgiving bring you the joy of a break and the love and affection of all the people that matter to you in your life.
Dr. William A. Nericcio
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 20:20:57 -0800
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To: memo@sdsu.edu
From: memo@sdsu.edu
Reply-To: memo@sdsu.edu
Subject: entering the stretch...
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Status: RO
sinematic sentient geniuses,
we are in the stretch, in the bottom of the ninth, the two minute warning has passed and the end is close at hand. name the cliche, choose your turn of phrase, the truth of it is we only have two weeks left together.
so, of course, some IMPORTANT updates!
1. tomorrow is our in-class, spoken-word, bennie herron/kev short and crew concert; listen carefully to the CD you purchased (!); in class tomorrow, monday, try to identify the DIFFERENCES between RECORDED literature and PERFORMED literature. Much of what is left to us in the term is PERFORMED LIVE "literature" and there is a very real difference between recorded texts and performed texts.
2. remember, that, tomorrow, starting at 1:50pm, MONDAY, we will have a reception for our performers at PONCE's RESTAURANT in KENSINGTON. the MENU has been tweaked a bit--3:50 margaritas (instead of $5.50), beers are $1 off of happy hour prices and botana plates (at discount rates) will also be available; DO PLEASE NOTE the burrito specials mentioned in PREVIOUS emails have been cancelled owing to various logistical complexities that would have confused Einstein! Needless to say, if you come, and I hope you do, food, drink etc. at reasonable rates will be available to all.
Ponce's Mexican Restaurant
(619) 282-4413
4050 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116Easiest route to PONCE'S? from campus--8 WEST to 15 SOUTH, EXIT at Adams AVE, loop around to your right, make a right on Adams, cross bridge, and look for parking. Ponce's is on the left across from the KEN Theatre.
3. Mimes! Our mime date has been postponed to WEDNESDAY December 8, 2004 after the final exam--that way our MADNESS will be accentuated by our exhiliration at having finished.
4. Bring 3 dollars to class tomorrow SEALED in an envelope with your name and your TAs name clearly PRINTED on the outside; this is your payment for your OLIVER MAYER reading and the MARLENE FORTE performance to be completed for our HOLLYWOOD STAR in-class performance MONDAY December 6, 2004. Your envelope MUST be decorated with some kind of illustration of a Latina Hollywood Bombshell actress!!!!!
5. Don‚t MISS class WEDNESDAY this week; VERY important KEY surprise that day!
see you tomorrow!
Bill Nericcio
Associate Professor
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 07:40:42 -0800
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X-MailScanner-Information: http://mail.sdsu.edu
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X-MailScanner-SpamCheck:Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-disposition: inline;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitAttached is your reading for next Monday, a one-act play to be performed live in class, talk about living writers!; while it will be provided to you in HARD-TEXT form Wednesday, I wanted you to get your hands on it ASAP in pdf form.
Remember to bring an envelope with your name and gta name on the outside, 3 dollars on the inside, and some sort of Latina bombshell decoration (look up Lupe Velez, Dolores del Rio, Rita Hayworth, JLo, Salma Hayek etc. on the internet if you are artistically in need of a clue) to class TODAY or WEDNESDAY--I don't want to have to deal with cash WHILE the artists are here next Monday!!!!!.
yours in living literature,
ps: this WEDNESDAY we do Spiegelman's BIG comic book; attending class this day is crucial!!!! hint hint....