May 22 Monday no class
May 23 Tuesday no class
May 24 Wednesday first day of class.
introduction. discussion
of film noir and pulp fiction. discussion of the relationship between
and literature; psychology and noir/pulp. go over assigned books and
and syllabus. final task this day? Screen and discuss LA
by Chris Marker
May 25 Thursday first film screening and
discussion day--today
we watch veronica lake and robert preston in a classic piece of noirish
excellence--Frank Tuttle's THIS GUN FOR HIRE (1942). films in this
are required "texts." if you miss a screening you are responsible for
the film on your on time and on your own dime! |
May 29 Monday No Class Memorial Day Holiday at SDSU
May 30 Tuesday |
May 31 Wednesday Today we screen and discuss Fritz Lang's amazing film noir classic M. A European classic from 1931, M established many of the "looks," the mise en scène attributes associated with the dynamics of film noir. |
June 1 Thursday In-class we will begin by
concluding our discussion
on Lang's M. Additionally, walk into class having finished reading your
Poe collection for today--allow the memory of Lang and Lorre's
that we screened yesterday to filter/philtre its way into your reading
of Poe's intoxicating fiction.
June 5 Monday Walk into the room refreshed
from your weekend
having read completely Gabriel García Márquez's CHRONICLE
June 6 Tuesday <>
June 7 Wednesday Today, we will complete our screening HENRI-GEORGES CLOUZOT's LES DIABOLIQUES. After a quick break, we then will screen in class most of Georges Franjou's EYES WITHOUT A FACE |
June 8 Thursday Today, we begin by screening EYES WITHOUT A FACE. Next, we will enjoy our in-class essay, not a mid-term, imagination challenge. Lastly we will begin our discussions of LES DIABOLIQUES, EYES WITHOUT A FACE and ADIOS MUCHACHOS--Read to page 141. |
June 12 Monday Walk into class having finished Chavarria's outrageous Cuban noir/pulp novel, ADIOS MUCHACHOS. Today
you receive your 5 to 8 page Researched Imagination Festival Essay
prompts--your essay is due FRIDAY, June 30, 2006 at noon.
June 13 Tuesday Screen TOUCH OF EVIL by Orson Welles. Though we won't have time to discuss it today, go ahead and read the first three stories in Rosina Conde's WOMEN ON THE ROAD... Does Conde give us an antidote for some of Chavarria's excesss? or is she, in some way, shape, or form, a collaborator with his pulp/noir vision?
June 14 Wednesday Walk into the chamber of noir, the lair of pulp having finished CONDE's short stories--don't forget to bring your $9 CASH for the book in an envelope that you have decorated with images and symbols of ideas that dominate her fictions. additionally, in class, we will discuss TOUCH OF EVIL. After the break, we will have a Latino NOIR/PULP open discussion on Chavarria, García Márquez, Conde and Welles.
June 15 Thursday Readings? But of course: read DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP to page 120--there is no class meeting today in Adams Humanities; take the extra-time to catch up on your reading. |
June 19 Monday Walk into our chamber of noir having finished Dick's DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP--in class essay challenge a true possibility! As your read, consider the relationship between Dick and Chris Marker's work. We will spend the last 15 minutes of class screening a piece of GILDA.
June 20 Tuesday In class today, we will finish screening Vidor's amazing film GILDA. ALSO: read the first 40 or so pages of Hernandez's BLOOD OF PALOMAR. |
June 21 Wednesday Finish Gilbert Hernandez's BLOOD OF PALOMAR twice--the first time words and image, the second images only; consider: how do Hernandez's black and white meditations on pathology, art, desire, and community expand our understanding of noir/pulp dynamics? |
v June 22 Thursday Class Journal day--in lieu of gathering at SDSU today, stay at home or go to your favorite local bookstore and coffeeshop and write a two page handwritten essay that begins with the following lines: When it comes to the human psyche, both film noir and pulp fiction teach us... Bring your handwritten essay to class on Monday June 26. Begin Reading Ann Bannon's I AM A WOMAN to page 113. Also, over the weekend, makes some time to begin reading/screening Chris Ware's ACME book. |
June 26 Monday Walk into class having finished BANNON's I AM A WOMAN. |
June 27 Tuesday Finish and discuss Chris Ware's ACME NOVELTY LIBRARY. |
June 28 Wednesday Screen and discuss half of PULP FICTION. |
June 29 Thursday Screen and discuss TARANTINO's PULP FICTION in Black and White. REMEMBER your essay is due tomorrow at noon! you can also turn it in today and save a trip in to the campus. |
July 3 Monday Begin carefully reading Charles Bukowski's PULP to page 126. |
July 4 Tuesday NO CLASS |
July 5 Wednesday Walk into class having finished your reading of Bukowski's PULP. We will begin our discussion with a focus on GILDA and then segue to a consideration of Bukowski's meta-pulp fiction work. |
July 6 Thursday In-class final exam!! |