August 25, 2006
TO: All
FROM: Bonnie
Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs
SUBJ: Academic
Dishonesty Policy
Executive Order 969, issued
by the Office of the Chancellor and effective January 30, 2006, specifies how
cases of academic dishonesty (cheating or plagiarism) are to be handled by the
“Academic dishonesty cases
that occur in the classroom shall be handled by faculty members. However, after action has been taken by
the faculty member, the faculty member shall complete a form that identifies
the student who was found responsible, the general nature of the offense, the
action taken, and a recommendation as to whether or not additional action
should be considered by the campus judicial affairs office.”
In other words, faculty
members shall continue to be responsible for determining the academic
consequences of academic dishonesty.
However, reporting the student for judicial consequences, which was once
at the discretion of the professor, is now mandatory.
There are good reasons for
this policy. The primary purpose
is to hold students accountable for multiple academic dishonesty situations
that may occur in several departments, or even with different faculty members in
the same unit who do not make incidents known to each other. This Executive Order requires a central
location that is responsible for tracking academic dishonesty and dealing with
situations in a coordinated fashion.
This will enhance our efforts to preserve the integrity of the
educational experience, protect faculty members who must deal with these cases,
and provide more effective interventions with students who engage in cheating
and plagiarism.
Faculty members should be
aware that the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities, which handles
and will now track cases of academic dishonesty, is most concerned with
educating, not punishing, students.
When notified by you that an incident has taken place, CSRR will first
warn the student and direct them to educational resources. If you indicate that
further action is warranted, or in the case of repeat or serious offenses, the
CSRR will review the record for further disciplinary action. The CSRR also will protect the
student’s right to privacy and strictly limit the number of individuals who
have access to this information.
The Center for Student Rights
and Responsibilities has developed a web form for you to use in reporting cases
of academic dishonesty. You will
find it at:
Please understand that
Executive Order 969 is now in effect, and all faculty members must report cases
through this web form. For
questions or further information, please contact the Center for Student Rights
and Responsibilities at 4-3069.